Welcome to the Technicians Guild where once the website is completed along with more members it will contain Construction and Computer advice. If you would like to join this multi-functional guild, we have a two step process:
Request to join the members only section
Direct your browser to https://forms.gle/hsSRSuwGXbAAHrLp8 and fill out the membership application. We allow seven (7) business days to complete the application before declining a website membership
Why do we do this?
This process was put into place by our Guardians Guild to reduce the chances of scammers/spammers of joining the membership areas. Anyone should be able to see posts and join in forum discussions, but only those with a website/Technicians Guild membership will be able to comment or start a forum discussion thread. This website will not include a groups section until we have at least 20 website membership. We use the groups option for general discussions versus a beginners help forum.
If you would like to be a content creator, "help desk", along with shameless promoting advertising and marketing your business, please email TechniciansGuildofRequiem@GuildsofRequiem.com. Generally responses will come from our generic customer service with an inclusion of the Technician's Guild Master (department head) and appropriate Assistant Guild Master (project leader).