Docendo discimus is a Latin proverb meaning "by teaching, we learn." It is perhaps derived from Seneca the Younger (c. 4 BC – 65 AD), who says in his Letters to Lucilius (Book I, letter 7, section 8): Homines dum docent discunt., meaning "Men learn while they teach." (WikiPedia) for our scholars guild, it is how we teach. We view each student, educator, and every visitor has knowledge that is truly worth sharing. When we learn to work together, in harmony, the possibilities of what be taught are endless.
We have two different schools that will be available by 2025. We have our Public Education Opportunities and several Apprenticeships in each of our guilds that will be available to members of Guilds of Requiem, Inc. only. The Public Education Courses will be open to any one to attend and may require officially enrolling into our Public Education Guild (department) as they are funded with government grants. Others will have costs for materials we have to consider, most of the events will be free or donation based, while others will have a set amount to insure we can pay for the supplies and the educator's time to be with us.
Guilds Apprenticeships are topic focused by the guild they are supporting the training of future masters of that trade. There will be introductory courses for any guilds member to take just to see what it is like, possibly come away with a few ideas on how to modify what they are already doing, but most importantly to create a network of respect among our members.
Docendo Discimus
We Learn By Teaching

Public Education Courses
Haven of the Dragon is a World Religions Education and Non-Denominational Religious Service Organization that merged with Guilds of Requiem, Inc May 2022
It was founded in 2002 as a Texas Nonprofit Corporation and has been providing Non-Denominational Services, Spiritual Guidance, and Education since 1995 through membership with ULC, Universal Life Church. Our primary minister was formerly a Baptist Minister before joining the ranks of non-denominational ministers in ULC since the early 1990's.
The Haven of the Dragon maintains their own website, content, and courses. Any developed curriculum and course information is reviewed by our Master Educators in the Scholars Guild.
Hope Haven Academy of Requiem houses all of our Public Education Projects. These educational projects fill a need within the communities we live in and will give access to traditional classroom equipment to homeschooling groups and families. Courses to be offered range from HSE/GED preparatory classes to ESL and Foreign Language Group Studying.
We are seeking government based funding to offset costs associated with hiring educators. We anticipate this program being fully functional by our 2025-2026 Fiscal Year.
Space Station Requiem Academy is where we merge fun with function! It will house courses that range from operating a nonprofit fandom chapter to quizzes across all of fandom. The best part about this project is that anyone can submit a quiz based on their favorite fandom, take any of the quizzes offered, along with joining a fandom chapter that is open to all genres of fiction, science fiction, horror, action and adventure. These courses, while being available to the public do require membership with Space Station Requiem.
Those who take the courses for operating a nonprofit will have the option for hands on learning while being supervised by someone who has been heavily involved with all phases and aspects of fandom organizations since 1992.
The STEAMPunk Unit of Requiem hosts it's own website for topic discussion in the members only forum. The focus is on making Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math, and more fun! If your youngling is home-schooled, public schooled, belongs to a fandom organization that doesn't have any engagement for the younger members, then this is the organization for you!
The STEAMPunk Unit created its own Chapter Charter on how they function, earn "rank", and participate as they are our future chapter leaders in fandom! It does require parental, or guardian, permission to join along with at least one parent or guardian joining as well. It makes it easier for admins to point to any problems that might arise. As this program is designed with minors as the primary demographic, we are very strict on who we let join their website. There is an application along with a basic background check, specifically the Sex Offender Registry. The Guardians Guild of Requiem does act as gate keepers to insure participants stay safe and the Scholars Guild of Requiem approves all course material and activities prior to publication. The Merchants Guild of Requiem assist with the annual fundraiser of Bantucky Con the third Saturday of every October in Bandera County, Texas
Guilds of Requiem Member's Only Courses
K9 Academy of Requiem are courses designed to train that trainer and act as an Apprenticeship, with one of our established trainers, or as an Externship to an established dog training organization which holds classes online only. This Member's Only Educational Course is restricted to those who take an active commitment to Guilds of Requiem, Inc, specifically the Service and Working Dog Handlers Guild, and have passed a background check through the Guardians Guild of Requiem. Once completed, student's have a contractual obligation to assist with Train and Boards at Guilds of Requiem, Inc in Pipe Creek, Texas, or with a trainer that mentored them, for two years. Apprenticeship/Externships are a $5,000 fee per year and will be prorated should the Apprentice decide to leave Guilds of Requiem, Inc. before courses are over or before their contractual obligation time is completed.
Apprentices will learn the in's and outs of running a dog training business, from filing taxes to create meaningful training plans with measurable goals as spelled out in the contract between Trainer and Dog Owner/Handler. Lessons in marketing their dog training business are conducted in partnership with the Merchant's Guild of Requiem and Business Management classes are overseen by the Resources Guild of Requiem. As always, no training or education program starts until the course has been thoroughly evaluated by the Scholar's Guild of Requiem.
Learning Pavilion of Requiem acts as a project administrator for each of the guilds apprenticeship programs as presented at the main campus of Guilds of Requiem, Inc. in Pipe Creek, Texas. These programs do require membership with Guilds of Requiem, Inc. as a member for a specific amount of time either during the Apprenticeship or after completion of the final courses. If they chose to leave before their time commitment is up, they will be asked to remit payments for educational services provided as our funding will be based on government and other educational grants versus charging a tuition. Members who are in one of the Guilded Project Courses will also qualify for a paid internship with Guilds of Requiem, Inc. or externship with a local business.
As we near being able to offer these courses, we will publish what the course is about, what the learning goals are, and the time frame needed to successfully complete each course.
Each International Guilds of Requiem chapter has the ability to offer these courses to their local membership, as the externships rely upon networking with local businesses.