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Welcome to Hope Haven Academy of Requiem!

These courses are designed for those who are looking to enrich their life with knowledge


Some of the courses are available through groups on this website. Others are on hold until we have a physical classroom for the hands-on learning style. All courses do have an adult education instructor in them along with a subject matter expert that has offered to share their knowledge as a part of enriching their life. 


Online courses do require a membership with the Scholars Guild of Requiem. Start that journey here. If you already have a membership elsewhere in Guilds of Requiem, Inc. please email

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This is one of the projects where it is on hold until we have a public meeting space. It is nothing against anyone. It is our instructors preference to not have people come to their private home. 

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Already available online in our groups section. If you are a native speaker of a foreign language and would like to help others learning in a summersive discussion, please let us know. 

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Formally Haven of the Dragon, this more descriptive title says what we are about: World Religions Education. Non Denominational Services are still available through our ordained ULC Ministers with over 30 years of experience.

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Thanks for subscribing!

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