All new members need to make this forum thread your stop as it goes over our guidelines for acceptable behavior on our forums. Once you read the rules, please comment "Agree" or other affirmative phrasing. Any posts of comments made prior to doing this will be deleted!
We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
Respect each other by agreeing to disagree.
We understand that fandom can be a bit explosive in nature, as everyone has their favorites and are involved at different levels.
Please holster all weapons, stow the photon torpedoes, and disarm the keyboard.
No hate speech or bullying will be tolerated
This is a Safe Haven for all
If someone makes a comment that you strongly disagree with:
Step away from the computer for a couple of hours before responding
You can't control what others say or do
You can only control how you respond
Keep posts relevant to the forum topic
Please minimize the colorful metaphors
We do have minors as members, so
Bleep them out when possible
No spamming of items to sell, with the exception of the forum specifically set up for items to sell
This isn't the place to rehome all of those extra tribbles that keep multiplying
Be cautious with how you word your post
We seriously do not allow the selling of animals
No Food or Alcohol sales. Period. Those items would potentially need to be shipped over state lines and that is a federal offense for many.
No politics
Even if it is funny as all get out!
The comment or meme will be deleted!
Discussions on:
Religion: Real or fictional - if the conversation becomes heated, we will close the topic.
Remember Infinite Diversity Infinite Combinations
Starting a post with
"delete if not allowed"
The post will get deleted
If you are unsure about any of the above rules, which are very similar in nature to our existing Facebook page, please ASK either in a comment below or email