Space Station Requiem Academy

About Space Station Requiem
Space Station Requiem (SSR) began in Corpus Christi, Texas in 2013 as a multi-verse fan club. Early 2015, SSR was moth-balled as several members dealt with life's challenges. October of 2017, Guilds of Requiem, Inc. began having regular meetings at their marketplace in Pipe Creek, Texas and discovered there was a need in the Hill Country for a diverse fan club that encompassed multiple fandoms. Despite the proximity to the Greater San Antonio, Texas region, each niche fandom did not have enough members on their own to form a chapter, or someone with leadership knowledge and experience to run that chapter. In 2019, FCapt Robin Kearney-Frazier petitioned Starfleet Command Quadrant One to reinstate Space Station Requiem as a chapter after their general membership levels swelled to nearing 50 people. In 2022, due to SFC politics and the unauthorized rewriting of the AFeds that now contradict our existence in their organization at this time, SSR is dry docking our unit with their organization.
Due to the unique relationship with Guilds of Requiem, Inc, Space Station Requiem operates as a stand alone entity open to all fandoms of any genre of book, television, or film.
Space Station Requiem - Academy
This project is under development that began with our Tuesday Trivia Challenge. From there, the inclusion of Space Station Requiem specific courses seemed logical. As our volunteers have time, active links will be happen on the topics from previous challenges.
If you would like to lend your knowledge, or time, to this project, please contact SpaceStationRequiem@GuildsofRequiem.com