Frequently we run into the opportunity with many of the sites we do business with or have completed their courses and they offer an affiliate link for our websites. We try to incorporate those links on the pages where they make sense to belong and have a page dedicated to just affiliate links.
This page is for all of the affiliate programs we belong to on behalf of the Agrarian Guild of Requiem. Many links are monetized and help support the Agrarian Guild of Requiem and all Guilded Projects associated with it.
If you would like your business or organization listed on our page, please email
Animal Husbandry
Aquaponics (Hydraulic Agriculture)
Food Preservation and Other Processing Tools
They believe it is vital to their buyers that they feel 100% confident in the security of their food storage and we back that up with an unconditional guarantee. Use our one time per email address code of "AgrarianGOR" for a 10% off coupon.

Our websites contain links that maybe monetized. We appreciate your support of our nonprofit by following those links and making a purchase