The Resources guild of Requiem was one of the original seven departments we created. In keeping with the old world branding, the decision was made to call our departments Guilds that are headed by a Guild Master. The Resources Guild of Requiem acts as our Business Administration Department, Human Resources, and the Humane Resources available to our members and those in the communities that we serve.

Miki Li Gravely
Dr. Robin Kearney-Frazier, Ed.D
(Position Open
Guild Master
Miki has been with Guilds of Requiem, Inc. since 2019 as one of the vendors at the Marketplace of Pipe Creek. She has been a go getter from the start and has taken upon herself to work towards Non-Profit Administration Certification.
Assistant Guild Master/Guilds Master
Robin is the brainchild behind Guilds of Requiem, Inc. As President, she works to stay as actively involved as possible with all areas of Guilds of Requiem, all of the departments, and projects. Her vast repository of information is truly an asset.
Master Grant Writer
We are currently seeking a volunteer to assist with filling this valuable position in any nonprofit organization. Previous experience in Grant Writing is highly desirable as this is a new area of expertise that we are in need of.
Dr. Robin Kearney-Frazier has had to step back from being highly involved in day-to-day activities that 99.9% of her position listed on the different sites in merely a place holder for someone who might be interested in being involved in that specific aspect of Guilds of Requiem, Inc. Feel free to email ResourcesGuildofRequiem@GuildsofRequiem.com to find out which positions are truly available