Oath of Office
I solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of Guilds of Requiem as the Guilds Master.
I will, to the best of my ability, preserve the missions of Guilds of Requiem to create intentional communities, provide educational opportunities, and serve the communities we live in.
I understand and will offer guidance to the Board of Directors, Executive Directors, and members of Guilds of Requiem in maintaining the philosophies that we hold to be the highest standard in which we govern ourselves.
These philosophies are:
To remain adaptable in our business practices
To embrace the diversity of our membership and the communities we serve
To excel at educating our members in their craft
To maintain historical crafts, knowledge, and skills
To be respectful in all of our encounters
To encourage our members to specialize and be a master of their craft while learning new skills
And to teach needed life skills, crafts, and trades to our communities
Dr. Robin Kearney-Frazier. Ed.D
President/Guilds Master

Our current Guilds Master is also our founder: Dr. Robin Kearney-Frazier. She has over twenty (20) years of Nonprofit experience and a lifetime background in Law Enforcement. In 2016, she was on her way to having the dream teaching career that had followed her like a promise from her ancestors, when she had a major auto accident. That was the day she discovered that corporate America might say that are "disability friendly", but they too have limits on accommodations.
Not to be deterred, she continued on her educational career and learning path as she understood that what a person sees as a disability becomes learning opportunities for others. In 2018, she got hit with the hard knocks of life once more when a fall brought on by one of her medical conditions cracked her skull that left her grasping with comprehension of numbers and little recall of the numerous foreign languages she once spoke. With High School Equivalency (HSE/GED) students, in three cities cheering her on, she worked herself back to almost where she was in time to step up to the podium to congratulate many of her students on passing their exams. 2019 She entered her final year of her Doctoral program for Adult Education Curriculum Theory and Design with an emphasis on Distance Learning to add to her multitude of other degrees that ultimately lead to the core foundations on which Guilds of Requiem, Inc. was founded upon.
2020 saw not only the formation of Guilds of Requiem into a State of Texas recognized Nonprofit Corporation, and in the midst of a world shutting down, the confirmation by University of Phoenix that Dr. Kearney-Frazier had indeed completed her Adult Education Curriculum Theory and Design with an Emphasis on Distance Learning degree and was officially Doctor Robin Kearney-Frazier, Ed.D. This was a thirty (30) plus year journey that began with her first steps into a University Classroom as part of a U.L.E. (Unique Learning Experience) Advance Placement High School Courses. This program later became known as "Collegiate High School" in the late 1990's. Dr. Kearney-Frazier has also completed a Doctoral Degree in Theology and Instruction in World Religions from a Seminary School that was stripped of its accreditation. Her response to that government mandated change of her salutation for ten (10) years? "Knowledge once learned can never be taken from you." On the road to the career path she know travels, Dr. Kearney-Frazier holds Masters Degree in Business Management and Marketing; Masters Degree in Microbiology; several Bachelors Degrees, Associates Degrees, and Certifications related to her time in Law Enforcement which traverse the topics of Business Administration, including Nonprofits; Chemistry; Architectural and Engineering Drafting, Theory, and Design; and rounding out with several certificates relating to the fields of Forensic Investigations and Criminal Justice.
A comment was once made to her, "When you are done racking up degrees, you should use them as wall paper in your office." Her reply? "Who said I am done learning?"