Office of the Secretary
The Office of the Secretary is one of the most vital positions in any corporation. This person acts as a channel of communication between the Board of Directors and Executive Board of Directors. The Secretary insures that meeting space ahs been reserved, or virtually created, and to remind all applicable parties of when Board Meetings are occurring and how to participate. This person also records meeting minutes and insures that the Merchants Guild has a virtual link to add those mintues to our website as a part of our transparency policy.
The Secretary needs to be familiar with the nonprofit's structure, record keeping, and governing documents. Their insight to the functions of the nonprofit is key when items on the agenda require strategic information to be given to the Board Members without bias.
Finally, our Secretary insures that membership lists are available upon request for Guilds of Requiem, Inc. as a whole and the individual projects we maintain. To do this, the person works closely with the Executive Board of Directors and the Vice Presidents to maintain accurate list that have the most current contact information for each member.
The desired skills for this position:
A minimum five (5) years with Guilds of Requiem, Inc. with two (2) of those years in a leadership position
A demonstrated aptitude for recognizing Steward Leadership in the leaders and general membership of Guilds of Requiem, Inc.
The ability to prioritize tasks as they should only be "working" two (2) to four (4) hours per week
The ability to work well with Board Members, Executive Board Members, Vice Presidents, Project Leaders, and General Membership
The ability to remain adaptable as Guilds of Requiem, Inc. grows and matures as a Nonprofit Private Foundation
Miki Li Gravely

Miki began her journey with Guilds of Requiem as a vendor in 2019. Even then she showed great interest in the work we were doing with the Guilds. She quickly became an invaluable asset to the group and continues to strive for more than we ask. As Secretary, she has begun studying Grant Proposal writing, as Vice President of Guilded Projects, she is working towards having great accomplishment with projects geared towards all ages and as Event Coordinator, she hopes to become more versed in Event Coordinating to allow her to bring in events of all sizes and celebrations.
We look forward to having her with us for many, many years!
More about Miki:
Miki enjoys crafting of many types, but it all started her love with crocheting. She was taught by her grandmum-mum at the age of 9 and continues to learn new projects. She is also a crochet teacher and looks forward to sharing this great art with many generations to come. She can be seen at many our events dressed as Deeondra Clavell, our Fairy friend! She really loves Ren Faire of Bandera County as this is the first Ren Faire she ever attended and looks forward to having loads of fun again.
She loves to be outdoors and can often be found walking her three (3) dogs, enjoying trails in and around San Antonio, Pipe Creek and Bandera. With 3 grown children, 5 grandchildren, 6 grandsnakes and lots of grandchickens and fish, she keeps pretty busy but always finds time to help others, including Guild members, with projects and other odds and ends that she can do.