This is a short blog as Biofiltration is the last segement:
The most important part of an aquaponic system other than the fish Advantages and disadvantages of different types of biological filtration.
Moving bed bio reactor(MBBR). This style biofilter uses a media that is suspended in the water column normally with an aerator and air stones and is used to house the bacteria which grow on the surface of the media. By aerating the media there is more contact between the bacteria and their food ammonia and nitrites. Also, the media is self-cleaning as they impact each other making for a much easier operation. The size of this filter is much smaller than the required media beds and can save space and cleaning time. The only con to a MBBR is the upfront cost of installation.
Media beds filled with lava rocks, hydroton, or gravel also aid in the surface area where the nitrifying bacteria will colonize. Media beds can be used as the biological filtration but must be cleaned several times a year depending on the fish load. You do not want solids to build up in the media beds as if depletion of
oxygen(anaerobic) occurs the ammonia and nitrite levels can spike to toxic levels that can harm the fish. This can happen if a pump goes out and the water sits stagnant for a brief time and then once the pump is flowing water again the toxic water is flooded into the fish tank and in certain circumstances this can kill the fish.
Bead filters along with sand filters also have giant surface areas on the beads and sand which will allow the 2 bacteria types to colonize. These filters combine solid filtration along with biological filtration. Sand filters tend to clog up and channel which allows small debris to bypass your filter or worse clog it up straining your water pump. Bead filters are wonderful but come with a high upfront price. Bead filters can be automated for ease of cleaning.
Stay tuned for next month's blog on Water Quality Controls.

Joe Leveridge
TXUS Farms