While it is true that you can obtain master gardening on your own, by skills alone. However, it is often beneficial to hold an official certification of your skills. Texas Agriculture Offices offer a Master Gardeners Certificate. It begins with asking yourself these questions from the Texas A&M sponsored Master Gardening Program:

Do you want to learn more about the culture and maintenance of many types of plants?
Are you eager to participate in a practical and intense training program?
Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with people?
Do you have enough time to attend training and complete volunteer service hour requirements?
Do you have special interests that could benefit the community or an interest in developing one? (i.e. bird or butterfly knowledge, native gardens, wildflowers, etc.)
Do you have a sincere interest in nature or gardening?

What can you expect:
50 hours of specialized training courses
Hands on learning
What does it cost?
Volunteering at local Master Gardener Locations
Volunteer at your local Texas Agrilife Extension Office
For more information, go to: https://txmg.org/become-a-master-gardener/become-a-texas-master-gardener (https://kerr.agrilife.org/master-gardeners-hill-country/) or contact your local Texas Ag Extension Office
Atascosa: 830-569-0034
Bandera: 830-796-7755
Bexar: 210-631-0400
Kendall: 830-249-9343
Kerr: 830-257-6568
Medina: 830-741-6180
Real: 830-232-5464
We are on Holiday December 17th to January 20th. The next Master Gardening Post will be January 22nd, 2024. Enjoy your time with friends and family.