Ever want to share your knowledge through a blog or vlog but the thought of creating a website was daunting? If your passion lies with growing food, food preservation, raising animals, or general to in-depth prepping; we would like to offer this website up for you to share till your heart is content and have a say in the information on this site.

Where we need help with the most:
Guild and Project Leadership
We do have an onboarding process for Guilds of Requiem, as a whole, along with information specific to the Agrarian Guild
Guild Masters, or Department Heads, have a minimum of one year with Guilds of Requiem, Inc or join with a large amount of verifiable knowledge and a six-month probationary time for those involved to decide if this is a good match
Project Leaders, or Assistant Guild Masters, have a minimum of six months with Guilds of Requiem, Inc where we are able to evaluate each other to determine if there is a desire to help more
Both positions need to demonstrate their knowledge and ability to implement Steward Leadership Practices
Website/Social Media Content
If you have poked around this website, you may have noticed that it is lacking content. We currently have only one person managing the entirety of the Merchants Guild.
Being confident in your knowledge is not a requirement to help with populating this website with information. The ability to support your information with a relevant and unbiased website(s) is.
The Webmaster for this site would
Update pages with new or different information
Make posts on any Agrarian Guild social media accounts and specialty groups found on social media
Assist with approving new members to the Agrarian Guild website
Difference between Blogs, Forums, and Groups on our website
A blog is information shared by just a few people, much like this entry. They can be as long and detailed as you need to be informative and can link to a relevant Forum Conversation or a learning Group Discussion
Forums are like the old-fashioned bulletin boards when computers and the internet were in the infant stages of development. One person starts a thread, usually a question that others answer
Groups are for creating course-like content that is presented by a single person and course attendees can ask questions or give answers - much like a virtual classroom
How to sign up
Start with becoming a member of this site
Complete the Agrarian Guild Membership Request on Google Forms: https://forms.gle/Jbx7DVQVL55hepkp9
Then create an account here: https://requiemranch.wixsite.com/agrarianguild
Once the application is reviewed, the website membership will be approved and an email sent to you
Hope this gives an idea of what type of help this guild/department needs. If you are able to assist with any of this, please email AgrarianGuildofRequiem@GuildsofRequiem.com