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Prepperology 101 - What about BOB

By now, it should be obvious that we believe in being prepared. This includes what to do when you need to leave your location to somewhere safer or to bunker down where you are till it is safer to travel. What do you need to know and have to be able to do either of those.

BIB - Bug In Bag

This is a bag that is with at all times. If anyone has had the misfortune to take Mrs. Robin somewhere, then you know she always has a bag with her.

  • What is in her BIB bag?

    • A week's worth of medications as those are a matter and life or death for her

    • Three days worth of high protein and high calorie food bars that she makes - premade ones are available online and from a variety of sources. My Patriot Supply has the best priced and best tasting ones that we have sampled

    • Life Straw - Amazon has the best price on this crucial prepping item

    • Personal Protection - We highly recommend getting your CHL, concealed handgun license, along with regularly going to the range to remain proficient in the usage of it

    • Small First Aid Kit - Couple of resources on these: has a one that attaches to a MOLLE bag; that is more affordable, however it needs to be in another bag for transport; has a wider selection to meet your individual needs

BOB - Bug out Bag

This is a bag or tote that remains at home that can quickly be grabbed and loaded into a vehicle or be a larger backpack that holds more than your BIB.

  • What is in Mrs Robin's BOB?

    • A month's worth of medication, a few are even a 90 day supply. Again, these are life or death medications

    • Three months worth of food - This varies based on the time of year, what is available, and what can be made at a lesser cost that meets specific dietary needs

    • Life Straw

    • Personal Protection with a larger stash of ammunition

    • Small to medium First Aid Kit

    • A pair of sturdy jeans, under garments (vacuum packed), three pairs of dry socks (individual vacuum sealed), short sleeve and long sleeve shirt, and a jacket - Why do we vacuum seal? Items remain dry and take up less airspace. Mrs. Robin puts a dark jacket over her back pack as she utilizes a bright pink BIB/BOB

    • Life Blanket and 2 person tent

    • Pocket Rocket stove and pans that nest in each other

If you should have any questions about what to include in your BIB/BOB, please email To join our discussion and the Agrarian Guild to have member access to the discussion groups and forums, begin your journey by completing our Google Form: and requesting membership approval on the Agrarian Guild Website. We allow seven business days to complete the Google Form before declining website membership. This is our steps in keeping out potential spammers and scammers. Once approved, join the discussion by requesting membership into the Member's Only Area.

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