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Terms, Definitions, & Abbreviations for Aquaponics

Writer's picture: Joe LeveridgeJoe Leveridge

Terms, Definitions, & Abbreviations for Aquaponics

Acclimate - To adapt to a new environment which includes humidity, temperature, PH, and different water chemistry.

Acetate - a salt or ester of acetic acid, containing the anion CH3COO− or the group —OCCH3.

Acid - An acid is a chemical substance, usually a liquid, which contains hydrogen and can react with other substances to form salts. Organic Acids must contain at least one oxygen and one carbon molecule. Anything that has a PH (see PH) lower than 7.0 and is said to be ascetic. In Aquaponics we use many different acids to lower the PH of the system and each one of them has different properties. A few examples are phosphoric acid, muriatic acid, and sulfuric acid.

Acidic Acid - systematically named ethanoic acid, is an acidic, colorless liquid and organic compound with the chemical formula CH₃COOH. Vinegar is at least 4% acetic acid by volume, making acetic acid the main component of vinegar apart from water and other trace elements.

Aeration - Is the introduction of air into a substance. In aquaponics this is water, growth and or bio media. This is normally done by falling water or by an aeration pump to increase DO (see DO) inside of the aquaponic system. By bringing water and air into close contact, dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide are gassed out of the water. This also oxidizes dissolved metals and other harmful chemicals.

Aerobic - means with oxygen.

Air Pump - – is useful for powering air stones (porous stones attached to the air pump with tubing) to supply supplemental aeration and circulation and to promote gas exchange (oxygen in, carbon dioxide out) at the water surface.

Air Stones or Diffusers - an air stone or cylinder that is set in a certain shape and size. Air diffusers on the other hand can be manipulated in terms of shape to work more efficiently and cover a larger surface area. Because of this, many growers tend to favor aquaponic air diffusers over traditional air stones.

Algae - a simple, nonflowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms. Algae contains chlorophyll but lacks true stems, roots, leaves, and vascular tissue.

Alkaline - Having pH above 7.0 also known as a BASE.

Anerobic - means without oxygen.

Anhydrous - Contains no water

Anions - Negatively charged ions

Anoxic - Anoxic conditions will occur if the rate of oxidation of organic matter by bacteria is greater than the supply of dissolved oxygen.

Ammonia - is a compound with the chemical formula NH3. In aquaponics, it is produced by fish and or decaying plants or organic matter. Ammonia is toxic to fish and plants at high levels. When the PH of the system is below 7, most of the ammonia is converted into ammonium which is not as toxic to the fish and plants.

Ammonium - (NH4+) is the ionized version of ammonia. It is ascetic (see acid) with a PH of 5.5 and is much less toxic to fish

Aquaponics - (AP) is the balanced cultivation of bacteria, fish or shrimp, and plants in a re-circulating environment to produce fish and veggies for food consumption.

Aquaponic System Cycling or starting a new system - is building and colonizing the microbiology to handle the load of ammonia from the fish and or other ammonia loads. Cycling is the cultivation of 2 groups of bacteria necessary for healthy fish and plant life. The first bacteria are Nitrosomonas which converts ammonia and ammonium into nitrite. Nitrite is highly toxic to fish and shrimp. The second bacteria Nitrobacter converts nitrites into nitrates. Nitrate is used as the nitrogen source for healthy plant growth and is much less toxic to fish and shrimp. Cycling can be done with or without fish in the system. Cycling with fish is not recommended for new fish keepers. Every time the load is increased, microbiology will take time to catch up to the new load of ammonia. So, an aquaponic system is always adjusting to catch up with the loads as the load changes.

Auto Siphon - Is a mechanism that drains water without the need for electrical power by using physics. The two most popular siphons used in aquaponics are Bell siphon or U siphon designs. (See Bell Siphon or U Siphon)

Bacillus Thuringensis - (BT) - Naturally occurring micro-organism effective as a treatment against caterpillars and maggots. Certified organic and not harmful to beneficial organisms

Backyard Aquaponics - (BYAP) - Usually smaller simpler gardens designed, built and maintained by homeowners for personal use.

Bacteria - The engine or heart of the aquaponic system and are responsible for converting fish waste into nutrients for the plants to absorb. (See cycling)

Base - The positive logarithm of the concentration of hydronium ions -substance that can accept hydrogen ions or more generally, donate a pair of valence electrons. A soluble base is referred to as an alkali if it contains and releases hydroxide ions (OH−)

Bell Siphon - A bell siphon is a device consisting of 4 main parts. The Bell, the standpipe, seal and plumbing below the grow bed directing back to the sump tank. They tend to be easier to tune and operate at a higher flow rate. They are harder to drain multiple beds with and should be run inside the grow bed.

Beneficial Creatures - Organisms, including ladybugs, lacewings, nematodes and microscopic organisms, that feed on or parasitize pests of crops. The opposite of beneficials are pests, which are organisms considered to be detrimental to plant growth.

Bicarbonate - HCO3

Biofilter - A place for the bacteria to colonize. Normally in small aquaponic systems the Grow media acts as the biofilter. Larger systems, systems with high fish populations, or systems not using media beds may have separate biofilters called Moving Bed Biofilters (MBBR).

Biological - relating to biology or living organisms.

Biological Control - Using one or more living organisms to help control an insect pest or disease.

Boron – B

Brood Stock - Mature fish used for spawning and the production of young

Buffer - Additive used to resist changes in pH when a small amount of acid and alkali are added.

Bulkhead - is simply a connector that is installed through the face of a tank

Calcium – Ca

Calcium Carbonate - (CaCO3) Used to buffer pH along with adding small amounts of calcium. Naturally found in chalk, limestones, eggshells, seashells and marble. Calcium carbonate is 40% calcium by weight. (Chalk, agricultural lime)

Calcium Hydroxide - CaOH2 (also called slaked lime, hydrated lime, pickling lime, builders' lime)

Calcium Nitrate - Ca (NO₃) ₂

Calcium Thiosulfate - (CaO3S2) may be used as a fertilizer for the correction of calcium and sulfur deficiency

Carbon – C

Carbonate Hardness - KH (a measure of the alkalinity)

Carbonate Test for Media – Is a test to determine if any carbonates are present inside of the media, normally performed by adding an acid and watching for a reaction which indicates carbonates present.

Carbonic Acid - H2CO3 (formed by CO2 and H2O as in club soda, soda water, sparkling water, or seltzer water and acid oceans due to burning fossil fuels)

Carnivore - An organism that feeds mainly or exclusively on animal tissue

Cations - Positively charged ions

Chelate - The way ions and molecules bind metal ions to allow the metals to be available to plants as nutrients

Chloramine - (NH2Cl) A combination of ammonia and chlorine, usually used as a water disinfectant and water treatment. You can use potassium thiosulfate to remove both chlorine and chloramines from tap water.

Chlorine - (Cl) A powerful bleaching and disinfecting agent. Usually used in tap water.

CHOP (Constant Height One Pump)

Clay - Naturally occurring, consisting of fine-grained minerals which hardens when fired or dried

CO2 - carbon dioxide

Coco Coir - Natural fiber extracted from coconut husks

Commercial Aquaponics - An aquaponics system built for commercial purposes or resale normally with the addition of many backup systems to prevent system failure.

Cone Bottom Tank - is used in processes where complete drainage is essential. This includes storage of heavy liquids and sludges that are difficult to drain. They are also used to separate and decant solids from liquid fractions. The conical bottoms enable quick and complete drainage. These tanks are also referred to as sloped bottom tanks, conical tanks, full drain tanks, fermenter tanks, brewing tanks, and mixing tanks.

Constant Flow - A continuous flow hydroponic system cycles nutrient-enriched water around your plants' roots. These systems recycle and reuse the same water, thus making them more efficient and less wasteful when compared to traditional growing methods.

Copper – Cu

Cycling or Starting Up a New System - Is the cultivation of 2 groups of bacteria necessary for healthy fish and plant life. Nitrosomonas converts ammonia and ammonium into nitrite. Nitrites are highly toxic to fish and shrimp. Nitrobacter converts nitrites into nitrates. Nitrate is used as the nitrogen source for healthy plants growth and is much less toxic to fish and shrimp. Cycling can be done with or without fish in the system. Cycling with fish is not recommended for new fish keepers.

Dechlorinate - To remove chlorine or chloramines.

Decompose - breakdown or cause to break down into component elements or simpler constituents.

Decoupled Aquaponics - Decoupled aquaponic systems differ from coupled systems insomuch as they separate the water and nutrient loops of both the fish and plants from each other and thus provide better control of the water chemistry in both systems.

Deep Water Culture (DWC) - Also known as the floating raft system or raft method, is an aquaponics method of plant production where the plants are grown on rafts (polystyrene or foam boards) that float on top of the water in the raft bed.

Deficiency - A lack or shortage of

Detritus - Waste or rotting matter in the bottom of a tank

Digestor - Micro-organisms break down organic materials like fish and shrimp manure or food waste in a process called anaerobic digestion. This happens in a closed tank, where there's no oxygen.

Dissolved Oxygen - (DO) A measure of oxygen dissolved in the water normally measured with a DO meter in milliliters per liter (mlpl). DO is affected by the temperature of the water. As the water warms up the level of oxygen that the water can hold goes down.

Dual Root Zone - is to create a separate area in the top of the root zone where you can boost growth by adding fertilizer (organic, of course!) to the top roots of the plant in a way that doesn't drain into the water for the aquaponic system and affect the fish.

Ebb & Flow - The process of flooding and draining a media-filled grow bed

Electrical Conductivity - E.C - A measurement of how much electrical current a solution can conduct. EC corresponds with the amount of salts dissolved in solution. EC can provide guidelines when managing and monitoring nutrient solutions in closed loop irrigation systems.

Electrical Timers - is a device that automatically opens and closes an electrical circuit for a specific period of time. In short, we can say that it allows you to program the on/off switching of different devices in a simple and straightforward manner.

Environmental Controls - includes control and modification of day and night temperatures, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide levels for optimum plant growth.

Evaporative Cooling - The process of cooling the air by evaporating water.

Feed Conversion Ratio - (FCR) amount of feed fed to an animal, compared to weight it puts on

Fermentation - the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.

Fingerling - A young or small fish that is about the size of a finger. As soon as the fish fry grows up to 2 to 3 inches in size or roughly equal the size of a finger it is known as fingerling. Fingerling is the normal size for stocking in table fish production. It takes around 25 to 65 days (about 2 months) for the fry to grow up to fingerling size depending on fish type.

Fish - are aquatic vertebrate animals that have gills but lack limbs with digits, like fingers or toes. Recall that vertebrates are animals with internal backbones. Most fish are streamlined in their general body form.

Fish Tank - A food-grade container in which the water and fish are kept.

Floating Raft - A planting medium normally made from food safe polystyrene, and designed specifically for leaf green crop production that floats over the water, the plants are grown on top of the raft with their roots hanging in the nutrient-rich water below.

Flood & Drain - The Flood is when the water and nutrients flow the growing areas, flowing over the plants' roots. The drain is when the water drains back to the sump tank.

Flow Rate - How much water is being moved, specified in gallons per hour (GPH) or gallons per minute (GPM)

Foliar Application - A foliar application is feeding the plants by applying liquid fertilizer directly to the leaves as opposed to the roots.

Food Grade - Components made to a standard for coming into contact with food stuff

Fry - refers to a more developed hatchling whose egg yolk sac has almost been consumed, and its swim bladder is functional to the point where the fish can move around and forage to nourish itself.

Fungicide - Chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit fungal spores or fungi

Gallons Per Hour – GPH

GH - General hardness (a measure of the concentration of divalent metal ions such as calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+).

Greenhouse - a structure or building in which plants are grown that provides protection from the weather.

Grow Bed - Grow bed is a suitable container filled with growing media such as gravel, Grow Media, or lava rock and where the plants grow in the aquaponics system.

Grow Light - Grow light, also called "plant light," is an artificial source of light designed to stimulate plant growth by emitting light suitable for photosynthesis.

Grow Media - used in aquaponics gardening to support the plants and act as a biofilter. Examples of grow media are clay pebbles, lava rocks, expanded shale, crushed granite, river rock, and many more types. The main issue with any media is the presence of carbonates. An easy test is to add the media to some vinegar and if you see bubbles then the media has carbonates and is not good for aquaponics in 99% of cases as the carbonate will react and cause PH issues that are hard to control.

Herbivore - an animal that feeds on plants.

Hydrogen – H

Hydrogen Chloride - HCL (forms Hydrochloric acid the aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride)

Hydrogen Peroxide - H₂O₂ in its pure form, it is a very pale blue liquid that is slightly more viscous than water. It is used as an oxidizer, bleaching agent, and antiseptic, usually as a dilute solution in water for consumer use, and in higher concentrations for industrial use.

Hydroponics - is the technique of growing plants using a water-based nutrient solution rather than soil, and can include an aggregate substrate, or growing media, such as vermiculite, coconut coir, lava rock, river gravel, crushed granite, perlite, and many others. Hydroponic production systems are used by small farmers, backyard hobbyists, and commercial businesses.

Hydroxide - OH (functions as a base)

IBC - An intermediate bulk container is a pallet mounted, industrial grade reusable container that is used in aquaponics to make fish tanks and or media plant beds. One concern is to always make sure that if you use an IBC tote is that whatever was stored inside of it before you received it needs to be fish safe or food grade.

Insecticide - A chemical or product used to control insect pests

Integrated Pest Management - IPM The practice of using a variety of methods to manage an insect or disease rather than relying on only one method, such as only using an insecticide or fungicide. IPM may include the use of both an insecticide and biological control agent. The attempt to prevent pathogens, insects, and weeds from causing economic crop losses by using a variety of management methods that are cost effective and cause the least damage to the environment.

Ion - An atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons

Iron – Fe involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll, and the maintenance of chloroplast structure and function.

Irrigation - is the practice of applying controlled amounts of water to help grow crops

Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentaion - LABs are significant groups of probiotic organisms in fermented food and are generally considered safe. LAB regulates soil organic matter and the biochemical cycle, detoxifies hazardous chemicals, and enhances plant health.

Lime - Calcium oxide. Extracted by heating limestone, coral, seashells, or chalk. Used for buffering pH

Macronutrients - are essential for plant growth and a good overall state of the plant. The primary macronutrients are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Nitrogen is essential for plant development, since it plays a fundamental role in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.

Magnesium - Mg

Magnesium Carbonate - (MgCO3) Used to buffer pH along with adding small amounts of magnesium. The percentage of magnesium present in magnesium carbonate is 28.57%

Magnesium Nitrates - Mg (NO3)2

Manganese – Mn

Manifold - a pipe or chamber branching into several openings.

Media - in aquaponics we use media to not only house all of the nitrifying bacteria the system needs to convert ammonia into nitrates it is also the substrate that the roots of the plant hold onto for support.

Media Filter - A media filter is a type of filter that uses a bed of sand, gravel, plastic media, foam, crushed glass, geo-textile fabric, nets, crushed granite or other material to filter water for removing solids from the Aquaponic system.

Micronutrient - There are 7 essential plant nutrient elements defined as micronutrients [boron (B), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), chlorine (Cl)]. They constitute in total less than 1% of the dry weight of most plants.

Microorganism - A microorganism, or microbe, is an organism of microscopic size, which may exist in its single-celled form or as a colony of cells.

Minerals – are those elements on the earth and in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally. Those essential for health include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium.

Mineralization - is the transformation of an organic compound into its inorganic constituents.

Molybdenum - (Mo)

Monitoring Systems - Monitors water quality, air quality and greenhouse temperature and humidity, ensuring that crops grow under optimal conditions.

Moving Bed Biofilter – MBBR - uses plastic carriers (media) covered in biofilm to decompose waste. In addition to being an effective means of removing organic substances, MBBR is also an innovative method for nitrification and denitrification.

Muriatic Acid – HCl Hydrochloric acid, also known as muriatic acid or spirits of salt, is classified as a strong acid.

Nichel - Ni

Nitrate - Nitrates are inorganic compounds made up of nitrogen and oxygen, NO3 (one nitrogen and three oxygen molecules). These compounds combine with other elements like sodium, calcium, or potassium to make sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate or calcium nitrate. It is created by the nitrification process and is formed when the bacteria called Nitrobacter converts nitrites into nitrates.

Nitrite - Nitrites are inorganic compounds made up of nitrogen and oxygen, NO2 (one nitrogen and two oxygen molecules). and it is the source of fuel for the bacteria Nitrobacter and a product from the bacteria Nitrosomonas.

Nitric Acid - HNO3

Nitrobacter - This is a bacterium that converts nitrites into nitrates and plays an essential role in the nitrogen cycle by oxidizing nitrite into nitrate by adding an oxygen molecule.

Nitrogen - N

Nitrosomonas - a genus of spherical to rod-shaped, autotrophic bacteria (family Nitrosomonadaceae) that are found in soil and water and obtain energy for growth by oxidizing ammonia to nitrites and is an important part of the nitrogen cycle.

NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) - is a method of aquaponics in which the plants are grown in a small film of water allowing the roots to be exposed to more oxygen compared to other methods of growing. NFT is common in aquaponics for its simplicity yet effective design, but the downside of NFT channels is that they are very similar to a radiator and absorb heat and cold more than other ways of growing in aquaponics. NFT channels are easy to set up and are less expensive than other growing methods inside of an aquaponic system. One main issue with NFT channels is that they are very good for short term crops like herbs and lettuce but if longer term crops are used the roots tend to build up causing overflows and leaks.

Nutrient Solution - The function of a nutrient solution is to supply the plant roots with water, oxygen, and essential mineral elements in soluble form. A nutrient solution usually contains inorganic ions from soluble salts of essential elements required by the plant.

Omnivore - is an animal that has the ability to eat and survive on both plant and animal matter. Obtaining energy and nutrients from plant and animal matter, omnivores digest carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber, and metabolize the nutrients and energy of the sources absorbed.

Organic - Organic food, ecological food, or biological food are foods and drinks produced by methods complying with the standards of organic farming. Standards vary worldwide, but organic farming features practices that cycle resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.

Oxygen - O

Oxygenation - a process which adds oxygen to the water, normally this is done with falling water and or aeration pumps.

Parasites - an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense

Parts Per Million - PPM

Parts Per Thousand – PPT

PH - pH is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The range goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs of less than 7 indicate acidity, whereas a pH of greater than 7 indicates a base. pH is really a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water.

Phosphoric Acid - H3PO4

Phosphorus – P

Photosynthesis – The process by which a green plant turns water and carbon dioxide into food when the plant is exposed to light.

Polyvinyl Chloride - (PVC) plastic polymer

Potassium – K

Potassium Bicarbonate - KHCO3 (an ingredient of baking powder, also used in fire extinguishers)

Potassium Carbonate - (K2CO3) Used to buffer pH along with adding small amounts of potassium. Potassium carbonate has a percent composition of 47.997 percent Oxygen. 56.58 percent Potassium. This ratio is important to know, so that you can calculate the amount of potassium needed for the aquaponic system.

Potassium Chloride - KCl

Potassium Hydroxide – KOH

Potassium Nitrate - KNO ₃ is a chemical compound with a sharp, salty, bitter taste. It is an ionic salt of potassium ions K⁺ and nitrate ions NO₃⁻ and is therefore an alkali metal nitrate.

Potassium Silicate - K₂SiO₃ is the name for a family of inorganic compounds. Works very well for fungi outbreak and prevention

Potassium Sulfate - K2SO4

Potassium Thiosulfate - K₂S₂O₃ Used to dechlorinate water and bind heavy metals in water.

Quality Control – Involves conducting inspections to ensure the quality of a product, including freshness, color, cleanliness, damage, presence of insects, etc.

Radial Flow Filter / Settler (RFF or RFS) - is a filter used to remove solids from the water column using gravity and retention time. Water is delivered into the stilling well located in the center of filter in a upward direction. Physics takes over, forcing the water to change direction and slow down. This gives the solids heavier than water a chance to settle to the bottom. Clean water is drained from the top of the filter into the next stage of the aquaponic garden. The longer the filter can retain the water after entry be more the solids can settle and the better it works.

Rainwater Harvesting – Collecting rainwater for future use.

Recirculating Aquaculture System – RAS systems are used in home aquaria and for fish production where water exchange is limited and the use of biofiltration is required to reduce ammonia toxicity and solids filtration is used to remove excess solids and waste.

Relative Humidity - The amount of water in the air divided by the amount of water the air can hold, if saturated at a given temperature.

Reverse Osmosis - R/O filtration is a technology that is used to remove a large majority of contaminants from water by pushing the water under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane.

Rotation Drum Filter – RDF is a very versatile liquid/solid separation device. It is used where a continuous separation of a solid from a liquid stream is desired.

Salt - In chemistry, salt is a chemical compound consisting of an ionic assembly of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions, which results in a compound with no net electric charge. A common example is table salt, with positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions

Sand Beds – using sand as a medium to grow plants in. Sandponics (IAVs) is the 'closed loop' integration of fish and edible plants. What Sandponics (IAVs) various aquaponics' descendants do have in common is that they all source plant nutrients from fish wastes – and uneaten fish food.

Sand Filter - are used as a step in the water treatment process of water purification. There are three main types; rapid sand filters, upward flow sand filters and slow sand filters. All three methods are used extensively in the water industry throughout the world.

Sensors - Instruments that measure environmental parameters, such as temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) light, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), pressure, etc. Sensors are specified by their measurement ranges, accuracy, precision, and durability in given environments.

Settling Tank - Sedimentation is a physical water treatment process using gravity to remove suspended solids from water. Solid particles entrained by the turbulence of moving water may be removed naturally by sedimentation in the still water of the settling tank

Shade Cloth - a device to create shade for plants and the fish causing lower surface temps on the plants and helping keep water cooler

Sodium - Na

Sodium Bicarbonate - NaHCO3 (Baking soda)

Solids Lift Overflow – (SLO) plumbing method used to remove solids from the bottom of a fish tank.

Specific Surface Area – SSA Specific surface area is a property of solids defined as the total surface area of a material per unit of mass, or solid or bulk volume. It is a physical value that can be used to determine the type and properties of a material.

Standpipe – Standpipe - set the maximum water level in a grow bed, and excess water that is pumped into the bed goes straight over the top of the standpipe and down the drain

Standpipe Guard - Casing for the standpipe which allows water to flow through pre-drilled holes and keep small fish from swimming down steam.

Stocking Density – The number of fish inside of the aquaponic system

Sulfur - S

Sulfuric Acid - H₂SO₄ is a mineral acid composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen.

Sump Tank - is a tank normally at the lowest part of the system from where the water is pumped up to the highest part of the system to drain back to the sump by gravity. A sump tank holds extra water and allows you to keep a constant level of water in the fish tank and can be hooked up to a float valve to have a constant top off of the water.

Swirl Filter – a filter that removes solids using centrifugal force of the water to separate the solids from the water allowing the solids to settle out by gravity.

Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is; specifically, a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object

Total Ammonia Nitrogen – (TAN) both NH3 and NH4.

Total Dissolved Solids – TDS comprise inorganic salts, principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water.

Toxicity - Toxicity is the degree to which a chemical substance or a particular mixture of substances can damage an organism. Toxicity can refer to the effect on a whole organism, such as an animal, bacterium, or plant, as well as the effect on a substructure of the organism

Trace Minerals - including boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe). The combination of these trace elements and main elements is important to achieve continuous growth and healthy growth of plants.

U Siphon - A U siphon is a device consisting of 3 main parts. An inverted U-shaped standpipe, seal and plumbing below the grow bed directing back to the start. Run at a lower velocity but have the added advantage of running inside or outside the grow beds. This allows easier drainage of multiple beds

Ultraviolet Light - Ultraviolet light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is present in sunlight and works as an effective way to sterilize water.

Uniseal - works like a bulkhead or tank connector but is less reliable. Inserted into a hole created in a vessel like a tank or barrel with a hole saw they create a simple and effective liquid tight seal through which a pipe can be inserted directly through the vessel wall into your vessel. Their weakness is heat and UV light which degrades the rubber allowing for failures within a few years, bulkheads are much more reliable for long term use.

Ventilation - The process of introducing outside air into a greenhouse either passively through operable windows and vents or mechanically using fans.

Wastewater Treatment – Removing solid waste and converting toxins in the water into a non-toxic form

Water Pump - is a machine or device used to increase the pressure of water in order to move it from one point to another.

Wet Wall - An evaporative cooling system.

Zinc - Z



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