Affiliated Organizations
Guilds of Requiem, Inc. is our primary parent organization. They are a cooperative of business owners, skilled artisans, crafters, technicians, and scholars that have joined together with the purpose of preserving knowledge and skills, with an emphasis on old world traditions. They support each other, ourselves, and our communities by sharing knowledge, conducting collaborative research, and investing in small, locally-focused businesses around the world.
Starfleet Command Quadrant One (or SFCQ1) is the other organization that we have affiliations with. It is one of the oldest fan clubs of Star Trek, Science Fiction and Space Enthusiasts and one of the largest Star Trek fan clubs in the world. They may not be able to provide a deck under your feet or warp drive, but they do aim to encourage an environment where you can meet like-minded fans and make friends with the same interests as you.
Central UFOlogy Agency is an organization is run by one of our International Members out of Italy. It is open to all who are interested in studying the UFO phenomena and other science-fiction/facts that exist out there.
Cold Terror Fleet is the central US Quadrant for the Klingong Assault Group. We are Outpost Vir Requies of the Cold Revenge Quadrant. "The KLINGON ASSAULT GROUP is an international, not-for-profit STAR TREK fan organization that primarily focuses on the Klingons, their Empire, language, and culture, but also includes other aliens who are willing to serve KAG. We explore the Klingon way of life through costuming, role-playing, prop building, writing, learning, and more. There are NO DUES here, and our growth is based on the communication and cooperation of individual members."
The Romlan Star Empire International currently has a role-play division that is somewhat active. Due to life, membership in the actual Romulan Star Empire, as Listening Outpost Vir Requis, has lapsed. If anyone knows the current URL or how to contact their membership services, please email

The Royal Manitcore Navy is based on the Honor Harrington universe as imaged by Author David Weber. As an organization, they are structured much like the world that David has created. There are many opportunities to participate in any role you would like! Within TRMN you can be a member of the Manticoran military in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marines, or Army. Or, you can participate as a Grayson, Andermani, or Republic of Haven naval member. If you are not as interested in the military side of things, you can be a civilian in government, work in Astro Control or serve on a Merchant Marine ship. We have gone to great lengths to make sure we are as true to the books as possible, using the books, and direct input from David Weber and BuNine as our guide to creating a cohesive and fun organization. Whether you like to cosplay or just get together with friends for games, movies, and fellowship, the TRMN is a place for you!
As our membership with this organization is quiet new, please allow us some time to orientate ourselves with their guidelines before forming our own chapter west of San Antonio, Texas.