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Belonging to one department does not preclude, nor exempt, a member from participating in the activities of another department. It is a way of simplifying tasks and tracking promotion points, plus distributing members across the “playing field”, so that no one department is “member heavy”, and that the tasks of running a chapter are more evenly distributed so that all members can have more FUN!


As we are a part of Guilds of Requiem, Inc. and in our own universe/timeline, all genres of fandom are welcome. We do have our own uniforms and department colors. Our primary departments mimic those of Starfleet Command Quadrant One as we hold a fandom charter with their organizations. Our charter mimics theirs with being more "strict" in some areas (Command) and more "lenient" in others (additional departments unique to Space Station Requiem. 


Includes the positions of Commanding Officer (President) and Executive Officer (Vice President). These two positions are responsible for running the chapter and ensuring that the chapter runs smoothly; are free of any political influences of any organizational affiliations; and are free of any political influences of governmental organizations or parties, biases, or any other prejudices that will interfere with the fun aspect of fandom. The Commanding Officer is ultimately fiscally responsible for the Chapter funds; is ultimately the only person legally able to enter into a contractual obligation in the name of the chapter; and is ultimately overall responsible to maintain the chapter image within the community as a whole.  The Executive Officer acts in the absence of the Commanding Officer as second in command. These two positions require working knowledge of parent organizations: Guilds of Requiem, Inc. and the ability to recognize, adapt, and form lasting partnerships with other fandom organizations. Ideally, the Commanding Officer is either a current or former Guild Master in Guilds of Requiem, Inc.

Command Department
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The Communications Department is very much what it sounds like: they help the chapter communicate with the members and the community. We currently have a web space via the Guilds of Requiem, Inc. paid website, until such time as the membership base can support its own website fees and platform. Any member can assist with maintaining the web pages dedicated to Space Station Requiem, along with the publication of an e-newsletter to our members and the followers of Guilds of Requiem, Inc. website. Communications will also assist with Social Media platforms such as Facebook page/group, Instagram, and Twitter in promoting the presence of Space Station Requiem in Texas. Someone in the Communications Department should possess a strong grasp of the English Language, the concept of basic graphic design or layout, or be willing to learn. Marketing and/or Graphic Design experience is helpful, but not necessary, as Guilds of Requiem, Inc. has an Apprenticeship Program that can teach the basics. Having an outgoing personality and the ability to speak well with others is a bonus in this department. 

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Operations will assist in maintaining the Membership Database and tracking of membership points. This department, along with individual department heads, will recommend promotions to the Command Staff on a semi-annual basis: January 1st and July 1st. They will also make recommendations for SFC Annual Awards.  Operations also assists the Communications Department with their projects and our online presence. The Operations Commanding Officer is third in the chain of command for our chapter.

Engineering/Search & Rescue

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Seach & Rescue


This department is for members who are local to the main chapter, less than a 50-mile radius of Pipe Creek, Texas; do not wish to participate in the daily operations of the main chapter; or are “undecided” of which department they wish to belong to at the time of joining. Senior Staff for this department assists with Recruiting and Promotion Opportunities for all involved organizations.



Search & Rescue

This department is for members who are not local to the main chapter, greater than 50-mile radius to Pipe Creek, Texas; do not wish to participate in the operations of the main chapter; or are “undecided” of which department they wish to belong to at the time of joining. The Commanding Officer of Search & Rescue and/or Chief of Search & Rescue will be tasked with recruiting opportunities and work together with Communications to promote the chapter, by extension of that also promote Guilds of Requiem. Senior Staff for this department assists with Recruiting and Promotion Opportunities for all involved organizations.


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The Medical Department will act as a liaison to the Greater San Antonio area of Community Service Opportunities. The Medical Department will also maintain a database of Emergency Medical Information for members at “away missions” (events) and be a point of contact in case of medical emergency during an event. Actual medical knowledge is helpful, along with membership in the Guardians Guild of Requiem, but not required. Senior staff of this department will assist the Sciences Department with their projects and goals.



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The Science Department will act as liaisons for long distance charity and community service programs. Having a background in science is helpful, but not necessary to assist with science based activities at events. This department also has the potential of providing online activities/purposeful engagement on the website group and social media. Senior Staff of this department will work in conjunction with the Medical Department.

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Security is tasked with scouting out locations for events in the Bandera County Area. They ensure that the areas meet minimum standards for a meeting, are set-up for the number of people participating/confirmed to attend, and are picked up before the last member leaves. Having reliable transportation is a must for someone in this department. They will coordinate with the Marines on activities and volunteers.

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Marines on activities and volunteers coordinate with Security on activities and volunteer management.

Other Departments


With our duality of memberships, we have the freedom to include additional departments on Space Station Requiem as we do have two story lines that are being written by one of our members: Starfleet realm and the Élacian Empire.  Those choosing to have membership do need to pick one of the above departments to be inline with their structure. The following departments do have "requirements" to be in. 

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Temporal Corps

As we are situated on a rift that has access to all of time and space, the Temporal Corps is tasked with ensuring we do not disrupt the timelines in which we are visiting or that of a spacecraft that came through the rift. Temporal Corps are typically non descript species (Temporal Corps I) or shape shifting to a species they have had recent physical contact with (Temporal Corps II). Those in the Temporal Corps can be anyone with a high ability to just "know" if the species in front of them doesn't belong here and in which dimension they do belong too. On rare occasions, a Temporal Corps III will exist that is able to take the shape of any object or species they can envision. These species tend to either have very short lived life spans or very long life spans. Some species are open about their life expectancy, others may choose to conceal it. 

Only those with the rank of Lieutenant or higher may apply to this department. The related SFCQ1 "Career Field" would be Operations.

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Diplomat Corps

Our Diplomatic Corps acts as our Ambassadors to other fandoms and are a part of our Civilian Fleet. Those who wish to join Starfleet Command Quadrant One should pick “Security” or “Communications” as their department. 

In our fictional world, they are a unique type of person or species that has an Empathy or Telepathy rating. The rating goes from T-1, same species empathy only, to T-7, Telepathic of all species and is very rare. Diplomat I - Empathic only. Diplomat II - Empathic rating and same species Telepathy. Diplomat III - Empathic and Telepathic rating of almost all species. We also have “D” ratings for the species that can shapeshift and influence others of that same species - think of D&D Charisma Stat. The ratings go from D-1 to D-7 and are based on the combination of Telepathic rating and ability to shapeshift. Someone with a T-7 and D-7 rating would be equated to Odo and the Founders of Delta Quadrant in Deep Space Nine.  

The Diplomatic Corps is where the good officers go to “retire” after reaching the rank of Captain and wishing to reduce their involvement in chapter activities. Occasionally, new members who have had a sustained working relationship with Space Station Requiem and/or Guilds of Requiem, Inc. can apply to hold a civilian diplomatic position.

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This is an honorific department reserved for those who are participating in the Élacian Empire timeline and are of at least 50% Élacian descent. As a dignitary, they are able to intervene when needed in any department including Command. If they are filling the physical role of Space Station Requiem Commander, they do need to have passed all SFCQ1 requirements to be an officer and the Space Station Requiem Leadership Development Course.  The Space Station Requiem Course is needed to fully understand the duality of Space Station Requiem with Guilds of Requiem, Inc. and Starfleet Command Quadrant One. It is at the discretion of current command staff to accept real life experience in lieu of the Leadership Development Course. The first module is still highly recommended. 

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