Different Levels of Membership:
We believe that diversity is the key to a successful fan club. A part of that diversity is recognizing that not everyone is as in love with Star Trek as others. However, they want to be a part of something that is bigger, has more activities, and involvement from all fandoms. To meet this goal of inclusivity, we have created different levels of membership on Space Station Requiem.

General Membership:
We totally understand that finances are tight, or maybe an already full schedule exists in your life, so you are just looking for somewhere to hang out. Our website will have features open to "public members" such as: Rift Runners E-zine, completed story arcs, along with informative and fun forums for chatting with other like minded individuals. Join our mailing list, at the bottom of each page, to know when each function becomes active on this new website! We also have an active Facebook Group that has a daily flow of informational Space and Science News, A Mutli-verse of Fandom Funnies, Hollywood "Behind the scenes" intel, and much more!
Civilian Membership:
Looking to be more involved with the organization? How about a unique way to memorialize a beloved pet? Then look no more! July 1st, 2021, launched our Civilian and Pet Fleet. This is a unique way to show support in two organizations run by Guilds of Requiem, Inc. : Space Station Requiem and Service Dog Handlers Guild (informative website in progress). Join once, for $5 to receive the benefit of yourself and/or your registered pet has a place in one of our story arcs during that year. Renewing each year not only helps support these two non-profit projects, but a continued place for your and/or your pet in on-going story arcs. (Our main character lives to be 1,000 years old equals many opportunities to be written into and out of a story arc.)
STEAM Punk Youth Membership:
Introducing our newest program that launched in conjunction with Bantucky Con 2021 Virtual Event! This program focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math with an eye on fact or fiction along with the various fandoms we have in our group. STEAM Punks will have their own area of the website with activities and discussion forum under their parent/guardian's watchful eye. Registration is FREE to anyone who is already a member of a fandom organization. All other, we will be requesting that the parent/guardian joins our Civilian Fleet ($5/year to assist with website and event expenses) before registering their youth in this fun and adventurous program!
SFCQ1 Membership:
We hold a chapter charter with Starfleet-Command Quadrant One Star Trek Fan club. This is to help give form, function, and "family" (network of like minded individuals) to our organization. Founded in 1974, they have been the most helpful and least invasive to the daily operations of their chapters. There are many benefits to joining Starfleet Command Quadrant One, such as voting privileges and the ability to hold a Senior Staff position on Space Station Requiem. We highly recommend that you opt for the "Lifetime Membership" option, if your budget allows, as it saves someone from the Command Staff blasting you with reminders that it is time to renew your membership. Currently, 100% of our membership base are Lifetime Members, meaning Space Station Requiem will most likely never go away.

Gamers Guild of Requiem:
Through this portal, you can access all of our online gaming groups, phsyical gaming locations we frequent, and the full list of fandom organizations that we have at least one active member in their organization. We have attempted to ensure that our "chapter" name within these organizations is easily recognizeable with a variant of the word "requiem." Several of them have membership minimums needed in order to be listed as "Space Station Requiem", hence we are "Outpost Vir Requies/Requis" (Klingon Assault Group/Romulan Star Empire), "Vir Requem" (Ferengi Trade Commission), "Dracona Requi" (SHIELD, MIB, TRMN), etc. When you join Space Station Requiem, please let us know if there is a fandom organization that we have missed and/or that you are a part of. We will gladly take the neccessary steps to form a chapter of that organization, meet their reporting criteria, and maintian the business end so that you can enjoy the benefits of just being a member.