There are two possible positions to lead each of the departments. Department Commanding Officer and Department Chief.
The Department Commanding Officer is someone of Officer Rank in Starfleet Command, who is in charge of all aspects of the department. Upon accepting the position as Department Commanding Officer, the individual agrees to a 90 day probationary period and to take any necessary courses at SFC Academy to be promoted to an Officer’s Rank. The Departmental Commanding Officer is responsible for giving a monthly report, tracking promotion points of members in their department, and giving recommendations for semi-annual promotions and annual awards.
Department Chief is an Enlisted Personnel that is either the highest ranking Enlisted Member, or has volunteered to assist with running the department. The person will have a 90 day probationary period in which to take their chosen departmental exam. They may or may not be interested in Officer Ranks for personal reasons, and are thus excluded from the OCS component of SFC Academy. They still need to complete the departmental exam for their division with Starfleet Command Quadrant One Academy.
All positions on the chapter are “at-will” and the Chapter Commanding Officer reserves the right to remove someone from a position, for any reason. Any criminal charges can be cause for immediate removal from a position. The Chapter Commanding Officer will need to have three documented attempts, only one attempt at communication is needed when dealing with criminal charges, in working with the person to maintain their position. Documentation includes:
A note in the person’s record that they were verbally communicated with to include date, time, means of “verbal” contact (Phone call, PM chat, etc), and give pertinent information to the conversation of reprimand.
A follow-up email to a second verbal communication, which includes a CC: to the Chapter’s Executive Officer’s of Space Station Requiem Email and the Operations Commanding Officer. In the event there is no XO, the email should be directed to the CO. The Executive Officer, or Operations Commanding Officer, will verbally make the Commanding Officer of SSR aware of the situation.
An emailed written reprimand, with CC: the Commanding, Executive Officers’ of Space Station Requiem, and Operations Commanding Officer.
The Commanding Officer will then make contact with the Senior Staff member to discuss the situation and what course of action is the most beneficial to all involved.