The Star Trek universe has inspired countless novels that expand on the adventures of the beloved characters from the TV series and movies. Space Station Requiem polled three Star Trek Fan based Facebook Groups and came up with their top ten favorite Star Trek books.
1. “Imzadi” by Peter David
2. “A Stitch in Time” by Andrew Robinson
3. “The Final Reflection” by John M. Ford
4. “Spock’s World” by Diane Duane
5. “Q-Squared” by Peter David
6. “Federation” by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
7. “The Entropy Effect” by Vonda N. McIntyre
8. “Doctor’s Orders” by Diane Duane
A humorous and engaging story where Dr. McCoy is left in command of the Enterprise, showcasing his leadership skills and the challenges he faces.
9. “The Lost Years” by J.M. Dillard
10. “The Destiny Trilogy” by David Mack
A three-part epic that ties together multiple Star Trek series, dealing with the Borg threat and the fate of the Federation. It’s known for its ambitious scope and dramatic storytelling.
These books offer a rich and diverse exploration of the Star Trek universe, providing fans with new adventures and deeper insights into their favorite characters and cultures. Whether you’re a long-time Trekkie or new to the franchise, these novels are sure to captivate and entertain.
Which one is your favorite? Do you have your own not on our list? Let us know in the comments!