FCapt Robin Frazier
CO/XO Staff: Commanding Officer
FCapt Frazier began her career in non-profit fandoms back in 1996 when she joined Starfleet International Star Trek Fan Club, Inc aboard the U.S.S. Joan of Arc NCC-73289 in Corpus Christi, Texas. After realizing that a single fandom organization was limited in potential, Space Station Requiem was formed under Starfleet Command Quadrant One. She has over two decades of leadership experience in fandom and non-profits with two organizations that she founded and is the current President of: Haven of the Dragon, Inc. (1995) and Guilds of Requiem, Inc (2017). Haven of the Dragon and Guilds of Requiem are incorporated in the State of Texas as a Non-Profit Corporation with eyes on 501(c)(3) recognition with the IRS, with Sixth Sense Apothecary (1992), Sir Barks-A-Lot Pet Care Products (2018), and Requiem's Kitchen and Barkery (2019). as branded products for Guilds of Requiem along with several "Guilded Projects."
Outside of being an avid participant in fandom, FCapt Frazier publishes under her legal alias of Dr. Rashanna T'ill and holds multiple degrees: A Doctorate of Education in Adult Education, minor in Distance Learning Curriculum Theory and Design; Doctorate of Theology in World Religions, minor in Religious Education; Masters in Business Management and Marketing; Dual Bachelor's in Chemistry and Micro Chemistry, with an emphasis on Cosmetic Chemistry; and several associate degrees that related to her fields of working 20+ years in Law Enforcement. Her free time is spent tending to Requiem Ranch, as able to, writing, gardening/aquaponics, and training Service Dogs.