The Guardians Guild began as an internal function for Guilds of Requiem, Inc. The primary purpose is to insure that any products we sell, regardless if it was one of our brands or the products of another member selling on our website, are manufactured safely and legally compliant. Our Risk Management team also verifies that products are labeled correctly, based on the industry they are from, and insured that they are described as dictated by the government agencies they fall under.
As our events grew, we saw a need to have security and recognized that Central Texas is insanely hot most of the year. We added a First Aid Station to our events in 2019 and a Mother's Den in 2020.
As our membership base grows, Guardians Guild has organically grown with it. The Guardians Guild now encompasses Event Services (for Guilds of Requiem, Inc. only); intentional communities for First Responders, Medical Professionals, and Military personnel that are members of Guilds of Requiem; along with acquiring the rights to Service Dogs of Bandera County.
2022 saw the launching, and rebranding, of Service and Working Dog Handlers Guild that includes a dog training program and eventually have the ability to sponsor working dogs for the individuals and agencies that are in need of a low cost solution. We also opened up membership in our intentional communities to anyone who works in those professional fields. Haven of Requiem will have three components where members can belong to just one or all three of these Guilded Projects.
Haven of Requiem - Guardians is open to anyone who works in the First Responder Industry
Haven of Requiem - Healers is open to anyone who works in Medical Fields regardless if their patients have two or four legs; or they have skin, feathers, or fur.
Haven of Requiem - Warriors is open to anyone who is currently service in the Armed Forces, retired, or otherwise honorably discharged.
More information on these communities, and how to join, can be found on their specific pages. These communities will have members only access to forums and discussion groups on our website; be presented with training opportunities; and a partnership with an organization that values its members and believes in Steward Leadership.

Guild Master
This position is currently vacant. We are actively seeking a new guild master. Preferred leadership experience in Law Enforcement/Security, Medical Fields, and/or Military. While internal members with Guilds of Requiem, Inc. experience is also preferred, we are also open to external interests with the understanding that there is a six month probationary period to insure the candidate is a good fit for Guilds of Requiem's philosophical practices and complete comprehension of stated mission.
This position is starting off on a voluntary basis. There is currently the potential income for those with dog training experience. Risk Management Assessments, once Guilds of Requiem, Inc. has dotted i's and crossed t's with the State of Texas, is a future possibility.

Miguel Ybanez
Assistant Guild Master
Ms. Frazier comes to us with a lifetime of experience in Law Enforcement, Military Service, and Risk Management Assessments. Her family has owned a security business since 1950, with many of her relatives also having a background in Law Enforcement and/or the military. She spent time in the U.S. Army as a Linguistic Specialist. Her degrees range from Forensic Sciences to Doctorate in Adult Education Curriculum Theory and Design with a minor in Distance Learning and Instruction.
Her passion lays with all working dogs and has spearheaded the Service and Working Dog Handlers Guild along with a host of other Guilded Projects in Guilds of Requiem, Inc. She is looking forward to the day she can focus solely on the Scholar's Guild of Requiem
Master Guardian
Deputy Ybanez was one of the first members of the Guardians Guild. His back ground includes being a Master Peace Officer, Security, and Risk Management Assessment of Properties. He is currently a bailiff for a District Court in while keeping a remote watchful eye on all of the pages, groups, and public projects that Guilds of Requiem, Inc. has to offer.
Through his passions, he has lived a distinguished career in Law Enforcement, experienced in the Life of Hard Knocks and Tough Love. Prior service has left him with a strong sense of justice and never afraid to tell you how it is and listening to what everyone has to say before making a judgement call that affects the safety of our members.
Robin Frazier
As many of our members are volunteers with full-time jobs, the best way to contact us is through email:
We can also be found on: