As parents ourselves, we know that getting out to do things we enjoy frequently becomes a challenging task. Having a baby, small child, or a special needs child makes it even that much more difficult. Our Parent's Den was one of the first features we added to our larger events. It is a nice calm place where baby's needs can be seen to, or a quiet retreat for an over stimulated child.
The Parent's Den is located near to the First Aid Station or near the Guest Services canopy. In it we provide a changing table, comfy chair for feeding, and a tent with pillows galore inside of it. A parent or Guardian must be present at all times as this is not an offer for babysitting services. A volunteer will come in behind each person to ensure that it is clean and sanitized for the next guest.
The Parent's Den is always open to donations to make the space that much more better for everyone. Items that have been donated in the past: colorful tapestries, inflatable chair/sofa; changing table, with extra pads; unscented baby wipes; small packages of diapers in various sizes; single serve powdered formula packages; simple Snacks and bottled water. To contribute items to the Parent's Den, please reach out to GuardiansGuildofRequiem@Gmail.com