Surfing a popular social media site recently and we came across an analogy using food to describe three different weather terms.
Area of interest: This ranges anything from "a potential for storms to develop" to "we are seeing increased activity on the radar." Think of it as you are at the grocery store contemplating supper options. You are browsing the meat department pondering if you want beef, chicken, pork, or fish.
Your eyes are focusing in on prices (the right climate for a storm to form). Then you spot ground beef on sale and add it to your shopping cart. An area of interest has formed with a better knowledge of the areas that could be impacted by the weather formation.

You continue your shopping and find that produce looks tasty and so you add tomatoes, lettuce, and onions to your shopping cart. Being short on time, you opt for a package of tortillas knowing that you have all the right spices at home.
Watch out! Taco night is going to happen! Watch out! Weather is coming your way! The right weather ingredients are coming together and meteorologists have a really good idea where that storm system is going to impact and people need to be getting prepared for it.
Your home now has a unique aroma of tacos. Everyone is excited that tacos are ready to be served. The brain tells the stomach, "warning! Tacos incoming!"
The same is true with a weather warning. Everything is falling into place, weather wise, and people need to be aware to take immediate action to protect themselves, and their families.
We hope you enjoyed our analogy on the different weather "alerts" and they will be easier to remember. Now, let's go eat those tacos!