Once a decision has been made that the need justifies the presence of a Service Dog, finding a knowledgeable, reliable, and affordable trainer is the next hurdle. SWDHG is aiming to make that task a bit easier with a listing of Dog Trainers in your area.
When it comes to training of the basics through the Canine Good Citizen, our trainers are allowed to set their own reasonable prices for the area they serve. We are working towards a standardization of training costs in the Service Dog community. These are training of tasks specific to the handlers needs and require a partnership between Trainer, Handler, and K9.
Our current price recommendations are aimed to allow the difference in rates between geographical locations, amount of specialized training needed, the experience level of the trainer, and affordability to those on a fixed income.
Recommended Dog Training Pricing
Type Cost Per Class
Group Training $30 – $50 per class
Private Training $45 – $120 per session
Obedience Training $35 – $75 per day
Canine Good Citizen* $30 - $75 per session
Boarding & Training** $500 – $1,250 per week
Service Dog Training*** $50 - $150 per hour
* Does not include cost of the CGC Certification Test and only AKC Accredited Trainers can administer the Certification Testing
** Does not always cover the cost of food and mandatory vaccinations will vary from location to location
*** Most trainers will give discounts for owner assisted training
How to join the SWDHG Network
Deciding to join the Service and Working Dog Handlers Guild, as a preferred trainer, has several specialized services that we can offer to you and your dog training business:
A dedicated webpage for marketing your dog training business on this website and across all of the social media platforms that we have a presence on (A domain name and bonus features are available to a paid website with Wix - We are certainly not going to turn down an offer to pay for this as it would benefit everyone as a whole.)
Assistance with filing annual taxes:
A 1099 will be provided to you, before January 15th, should your income be higher than $400 per year (we only track bookings and purchases through our website; any additional income is up to the individual trainer to track and report)
We are currently waiting for confirmation from the State of Texas Comptroller's Office if Dog Training Services are taxable in Texas, if so, we will collect and remit Sales Taxes for you for transactions placed through our website.
If you live in a different state, our Risk Management Team will insure that you are compliant with local sales tax laws
We are researching a group policy for business insurance
We offer a tracking service for trainers to track clients training plan and benchmark goals
This is needed information should your client end up in court, for any reason, and needs to provide proof of training
Each client must maintain attendance at least once a quarter in physical group training sessions to be eligible for this service
Access to social media management and graphic design assistance
A network of trainers to step in and assist, for any reason, to keep the K9 Owner/Handler on track with training goals
Be able to specialize in specific training area - example: scent work as a start to allergen detection
Be a part of something amazing in the Service and Working Dog world!
2025 is our next major goal of kennels and training area to allow dog trainers that live somewhere which has a no pets policy the option to meet clients at the specified property for basic skills before moving on to more challenging public access training at a store
What we ask for in return:
Be the leaders in Owner Assisted Service Dog Training and set a gold pressed latinum standard for Service Dog Trainers everywhere
Input on further development of the Service and Working Dog Handlers Project
Applications for Foster Training Families along with what are financially able to provide to offset the costs associated with raising a puppy
Review of applications for dog trainers entering the SWDHG
Applications for Owner Assisted Service Dog Training​
Applications for a financial need based Service Dog
Evaluation of the applicant's disability and their ability in which they can assist in the Service Dog training process
Determination of which tasks are needed
Our future goal is to provide four (4) such service dogs per year
Assist in training SWDHG Project Service Dogs
SWDHG evaluations at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months of dogs in our training program
Be available to evaluate, for a customer, a dog they wish to adopt from a shelter or rescue (first evaluation is free, each additional evaluation is $50 per hour)
Assist with the monthly meeting group training session in Bandera, Texas on the Third Saturday of every month from September through May
Or host a group training session on any other day of the month in your area
Be available on the Fourth Sunday of every month, at least once a quarter, for the webinars we are presenting
Contribute content to this website, via forums, and/or on our YouTube Channel (A video list will be created just for you along with a #Hashtag - our Merchant's Guild has tutorials on how hashtags are your social media marketing friend)
Follow our pricing guidelines when training a service dog (all other working dogs - you can set your own rates based on the final training goal)
As trainers enter our network, we will list them here by state and include which dog training services they offer. SWDHG Trainers will be noted with a rainbow paw next to their name.